11/12/2013 02:51:10 am

In my denfense, companies shouldn't text products on animals and then later on chop it up and sale it to family stores so families can buy it. Companies don't know if that product they put in the animal will harm us. even if the product is on another animal that we don't eat, but either way it will harm them as an animal. The product can effect its off-spring,the off-spring can be born with an effect or something worse. The product they put in the poor animal is toxicity. many animals develop HIV or hepatitis. Companies are doing this to animals if affects there habit on how they react to they life style.They act like they cant develop their own life style the product reacts to their body in many different ways it makes them slow down or not be as normal as they would be. I'm agents what companies do to animals.

Jennifer Bonilla
11/12/2013 08:23:43 am

I believe that it is wrong to test products on animals. Animals deserve the right to be treated humanely. Companies that test products on animals are mistreating them because the products they use can harm the animals. In the article Europe Says No to Animal Testing, it mentions that the European Union has banned the testing of products on animals. However, the United States and the Asian market have not issued a ban against animal testing like the European Union has. I believe that animal testing should be banned everywhere. Yet, there are people who do not support the ban against animal testing. For example, Cosmetics Europe (EC) argues that this ban threatens the competitiveness of the cosmetics industry, which has revenues of about ninety-three billion dollars. They also claim that the ban puts in danger the industry's ability to innovate. I believe that the ban on animal testing will not cause major harm to the industry's competitiveness or its ability to innovate. I believe that the ban against animal testing will not pose a threat to the industries competitiveness since it already makes ninety-three billion dollars. Also, people can try to find new ways of innovating products without testing them on animals. Testing products on animals can cause harm towards the animals. Inflicting suffering on animals is morally wrong and it should be stopped. Fortunately, the European Union has banned animal testing. Hopefully, other industries can follow the European model. There should be other ways to innovate products without inflicting harm on animals. This way, animals don't have to be hurt and industries can come up with new products.

Amanda Collier P.3
11/12/2013 11:06:25 am

I think that animals should not be used to test products. It just angers me because the animals don't have a say in it, and yet they have feelings as well as us humans, and some of the products, along with medicine could seriously injure an animal. So I believe that animal testing should be illegal. They should come up with a new system where humans can be tested, as long as they sign some contract stating that the corporation or whoever they'd be working for would not be responsible for any medical thing that happens to them. At least humans would have a choice on whether or not to be tested on. Keeping animals in cages to be pricked and poked and washed with new shampoos is just inhumane. It just saddens me to think of the products that have negative side effects on those animals. Don't get me wrong, I would hate for a human to get hurt or even die from testing, but I say, as long as it's their choice, it should be fine, because it would be their own stupidity. And I say stupidity, because I don't see how anyone would want to take experimental anything. But like I said, taking animals basically against their will to spend their lives in cages to be tested on just seems like it could be considered animal cruelty if you ask me. Which is the strange part. A person can be arrested for animal cruelty, and yet, these people who experiment on animals, which could seriously cause damage to them is completely alright in the eyes of the law.

Mara Lopez (Pd.3)
11/12/2013 12:16:45 pm

In my opinion, I do not like the fact that cosmetics are getting tested on animals. I absolutely hate the fact that animals get tested on with cosmetics. I feel that it is inhumane to do to a helpless animal. People would feel the same way if we got tested on and could potentially die from something. It would be better if scientists could find an alternative to test on, maybe like plants. I just do not like the fact that helpless animals get tested on and could potentially die from the cosmetics. I feel that it isn't fair for animals and that it is inhumane. Yeah, there are probably other people that think its okay because animals might react the same as a human, but I find it being abusive. This article really hits me hard because I want to go into the veterinary field when I graduate high school and I support animal rights 100%. I do not know how some people could find it okay to test harmful substances on poor animals. It is just cruel and disgusting to me. In the article, it talks about how some companies are going to stop testing substances or cosmetics on animals. That is a good thing because they will not be harming animals anymore but there are still some companies that are still going to test on animals. I understand on why some companies are going to still test on animals, it is just that I do not like the idea of it. I just hope that doing tests on animals becomes illegal for all companies instead of just some of them.

Alyssa Coursey Per.3
11/14/2013 09:03:55 am

Animal testing is cruel, many animals are forced to live their lives in cramped living areas. The animals get chemicals and other things injected in them that harm them. Too many people think animals are just animals and its okay of them to be treated in such a manner. It is cheaper for companies to test their products on animals so they can sell to the public. Many companies that test on animals are huge corporations that many people used daily. But mostly animal testing is on cosmetic products, for me I buy makeup that says cruelty free on the box or vegan. Which is expensive to buy things that are cruelty free but it’s worth it they are truly great products as well. The only way that animal testing is going to be diminished is if people stop buying the products that test on animals. It’s really not fair for the animals that suffer through with this; it’s really a terrible thing to do to animals. Hopefully Europe can be a model for other countries to ban animal tested products.

Cynthia Pineda (P.3)
11/14/2013 09:55:37 am

In the article, Europe Says No To Animal Testing, Europe banned the selling of cosmetics and other products to be sold if they have been tested on animals. In some countries, in order to sell their products, they have to have been tested on animals first to make sure that they are safe for humans to use. I oppose to having any types of products or cosmetics tested on animals. I think this is very cruel because just like people don't test it on themselves, animals shouldn't have these things tested on them either. Just like humans feel and have feelings, animals do too. In my opinion, animal testing should be illegal. It is wrong to hurt the animals when it is not their fault. The animals are getting hurt for no reason, well actually for our benefit. The animals have no idea why we are doing this to them and i don't think that it is fair to them. I also think that we need to find a new ways to test these products, but on animals is not the right way and it is very cruel.

Vanessa Bermudez Per 3
11/14/2013 10:19:33 am

In the article, Europe says no to animal testing, it talks about how recently in Europe a law has passed that says products or any type of cosmetics tested on animals are no longer able to be sold on the market. I personally agree with this law. I think that in order to ensure humans safety towards the cosmetics being sold they should be tested but that doesn't mean they should be tested on animals. I believe since science is so highly evolved there has to be a different way to make sure that these products are safe without the need for them to be tested on animals. By animals being tested it is a means of animal cruelty. I don't think it is humane to be testing things that could potentially kill or permanently harm an animal. Many may argue and say that animals are just animals and that there's plenty to go around to test and one won't make a difference, but humans are animals to and animals have just as many rights as we do. So in conclusion yes, I do agree with European law that products that test on animals should not be allowed. I think that many organizations that are for animal conservation might agree as well. This law is in a way, stands up in behave of the animals since they themselves cannot defend themselves. I think maybe this law can maybe catch on and trend to other areas or countries as well such as the US, that would help a lot with trying to make product not be tested in animals any longer.

David Helm
11/15/2013 02:57:08 am

I think that is wrong to test certain products on animals. When people do that to animals, to me it could be a form of animals cruelty. It is not fare or right to treat animals like this just to test a new make up or some other ridiculous thing. Big companies that do this to animals should be fined a very large amount. It is pretty simple, like if you are not that confident that your product will hurt someone, you should not be able to test it on an animal. I am sure that many innocent animals have lost their lives by being forced to test a product, and that is not cool. It might not be an accurate result either, because there are obviously differences between animals and humans, so these people might just be wasting animal's lives. The companies that do test their product should not be able to. To me, there is no point in doing that to animals or people. Be confident that their product will be a safe product for people to buy, and they will not have to be having all these problems in the future. It is just plain and simple. This world does not have the luxury of wasting animals at the cost of someone's new make-up or other product. It is a selfish thing to do. I am sure that there is another way to test the products, but this is the cheapest way. It is kind of a shame to see this happening. At least this problem is getting a little better around the world.


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