Amanda Collier P.3
11/12/2013 10:29:37 am

One problem the elephants were faced with was that they had to figure out how to get their food. It didn't take the elephants long to discover how to recover their food from the distant table by having two elephants pull a rope on each side of the table. Scientists and researchers then made access to the food more and more difficult, but the elephants were able to recover the food each time. To me, this is rather amazing because it truly shows the intelligence of elephants. I do believe that they are among the world's smartest animals. Even though elephants aren't primates, they still share common necessities as them, and us. Like humans, elephants require social stability. In other words, they need to be together and communicate with one another in order to better their chances of survival. Elephants also have good memories. This isn't from the article, but I watched a documentary on elephants awhile ago, and I remember that a group of elephants traveled to a certain destination, and years later, one of the elephants was able to find its way back to that same destination. To me, this is rather spectacular because I believe that not only takes the ability of knowing direction, but it also takes memory. In fact, a good memory could also better an elephant's chances of survival. For instance, if an elephant comes across a dangerous situation, later on, if the elephant happens to stumble upon a similar situation, it could have a better idea of what to do. All in all, I am quite fascinated by an elephant's capability to problem solve, and learn to adapt to different situations.

Mara Lopez (Pd.3)
11/12/2013 11:27:25 am

The elephants were faced with the problem that they needed to get to their food. The elephants had to actually mentally solve on how to get to their food. It wasn't long before the elephants finally figured out how to get to their food. The elephants were placed behind a fence and their food was on the other side. In order to get to their food, the elephants had to pull both sides of the rope to get the food. The elephants worked together to get to the food, which was very smart of them. Scientists have saw that one elephant used a different technique to get to the food. The elephant stepped on one side of the rope, which left her partner to do all the work, yet still get food. Another test was put for the elephants. This time to get to the food, one side of the rope was within the elephants reach and the other side was on a table all bunched up making this impossible for them to do.. This time, the elephants didn't even bother to pull the ropes because they knew it would be impossible. This proves that elephants are smart creatures. I believe that elephants are smart creatures. They are smart because they know how to use tools and other things. These skills get passed down from generation to generation. I also believe that elephants are smart because of this article. Reading about how these elephants were able to work together to get to their food was amazing. Not only do I think that elephants are smart, but I also believe that other animals such as apes, dolphins, and crows are very smart too.

Jennifer Bonilla
11/12/2013 11:35:01 am

In my opinion, I believe Elephants are smart animals. In the article A+ For Elephants, it gives proof that elephants are smart. For example, one of the problems elephants were faced with was an intelligence test. Researchers placed food rewards on a platform and connected the same platform to a rope. The elephants were behind a fence. In order to get the food, the elephants had to pull the two ends of the rope at the same time, this was the only way they could pull the platform under the fence and bring the food to where they could reach it. The elephants had to work together to pull both ends of the rope. Otherwise, if they pulled only one end, the rope would come to them, but the platform would not. The results of this test were outstanding. Six pairs of elephants were tested forty times over two days and each pair figures out how to get the food. I believe that this is enough evidence to prove that elephants are intelligent animals. The results of this test showed that one hundred percent of the elephants passed this test. There is also other evidence that proves the intelligence of these animals. For example, one indication of their intelligence is their ability to use tools.This is a skill that gets passed down from generation to generation. Elephants use tools to play or to defend themselves. Also, these animals have amazingly good memories. Since elephants posses all this skills, I consider them very smart animals. Because of these animals' ability to solve problems, scientists consider them one of the smartest animals.

Alyssa Coursey Per.3
11/12/2013 12:47:35 pm

In the article A+ for Elephants, the elephants were faced with a problem to receive a food reward. A pair of elephants had to work together to pull a rope on opposite sides of a platform to get the reward. The course of this experiment lasted for two days. In those two days six pairs of elephants were tested about forty times and each pair passed the experiment. Elephants are smart, and they are just as smart as apes and crows whose intelligence is really remarkable. Just like apes and crows elephants use tools, they pass that knowledge down to their other generations. They form ways of communication and help each when they are in distress; female elephants also care for one another emotionally in their herd. Another thing that is really interesting is that when one of the members of their herd has died or any elephant they encounter that has passed on. The elephants all gather in a circle and touch the bones or body with their trunk and feet, they have a sense of death and mourn for deceased. It has been said that elephants have a sense of knowing when natural disasters are about to happen, such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Elephants are very intelligent animals, and scientists as well have put them in a elite group of animals who also have high intelligence's.

Cynthia Pineda (P.3)
11/14/2013 08:53:38 am

One problem the elephants were faced with was how to get their food. What the scientists did was place some food rewards on a platform and tied two ropes on the end. Two elephants were then placed behind a fence. What the scientists were hoping to see the elephants do was to have them pull both ropes for them to get their food. The elephants successfully got their food by each of them pulling one side of the rope. Six pairs of elephants were tested over 40 times in 2 days. Each of the pairs were able to get the food. What they noticed was that one of the younger elephants held his foot down firmly on the rope and let his partner do all of the work to get the table. This is what scientists call an unconventional solution to the problem. Then the scientists made it harder. What they did was let the elephants into the test area but 45 seconds apart. The elephants learned how to wait for each other to get this done successfully. Also another thing that elephants are able to do is use tools. They use branches to scratch themselves. Elephants also use their trunks to defend themselves and to throw things. Another sign of their intelligence is their good memory. In my opinion, i do think elephants are smart. It has been proven by these experiments. By seeing how elephants think and are, scientists can find different tactics to help the elephants survive in the wild.

Vanessa Bermudez Per. 3
11/14/2013 12:37:47 pm

​in the article A+ for elephants,it talked about how a couple of elephants were tested of their level of efficiency of solving the problem they were put into. the situation they were put in was the one of a food reward. the food reward was on a platform tied with two ropes, the two ropes had to be pulled equally in order to retrieve the food. the experiment lasted up to two days. the elephants were sent in with a pair to try to solve the problem together. six pairs of elephants were tested and all six were able to solve the problem. One elephant tried to solve the problem by itself but once it saw it needed the additional help of another then it ceded to working with his partner, they eventually solved the problem. To make the problem a bit more complicated the scientist out the elephants back in the room at a different time, this time putting one elephant before the other. The elephants seemed to remember the problem and remember that they needed help from another, so the first elephant did not commence to solve the problem until the additional elephant was put in. In my opinion I think this whole experiment Is sort of proof that elephants are in fact very smart. I think that elephants like other animals are a bit more evolved like other animals and are able to think more advanced, which in return gives them the ability to preform more complicated tasks such as the one they were presented to in this situation.


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