Vanessa Bermudez per.3
11/12/2013 02:45:56 am

my opinion on whether or not animals should be treated just like humans is that i agree to a certain point. i think that some of theses farmer have a point in explaining that happy cows produce better milk. i can see how if the cow is comfortable in its surroundings and is treated nicely then it will be more than happy to produce more milk. i just think in my opinion maybe all the things they receive is not necessary. i get water beds were bought to make them have a comfortable place to rest, but classical music and back scratchers and back massagers? i feel that some humans don't even get treated that well. i question if some of things are truly needed or if its just money being spent. of course i mean if the farmer has extra money to use on such luxurious items as those then i guess its up to them and thats fine. i do however, agree with the need of if an animal is hurt to call in a vet to massage the injury. i mean who would want to and be able to produce a daily task if you are not comfortable and you are injured. i know i wouldnt. so yes, i guess you could say i agree with whether they should be treated as humans ,well for the most part. i think there is a limit i don't think some of the things being used are all that effective. i mean you never know, maybe the things being used to make them comfortable are doing the complete opposite and actually annoying them.

Cynthia Pineda (P.3)
11/12/2013 02:52:18 am

I do think that animals should be treated as good as people but to a certain extent. Yes, animals are living and they do have feeling just like us humans but animals cannot be treated better than us. I do think that it would be nice to treat them better than what we used to. If getting them water beds means more milk production then i think they should get them waterbeds. Also the scratching machine is a good thing for cows because they cant move there arms and legs like humans so they can scratch themselves but i'm pretty sure they have their ways. Now the massages may be a little too much. But then again they are living and they do need things just as much as we do. Maybe the animal got hurt and it may need massages. Animals cannot speak so they can express their feelings and needs like us humans do. But doing so will be extremely expensive and what is the point of doing this to make them produce more milk and selling more if all of the money is going towards the animals needs? But if it makes the animals feel better then i don't see why not. Animals do not speak but their actions do. So i do think that animals should get treated good like humans but maybe not as much. If there is an inexpensive way to do these things I think it is great that animals are getting treated better.

Jennifer Bonilla
11/12/2013 09:35:57 am

Animals should be treated as well as people but to some extent. Animals deserve the same rights as people in the way that they deserve proper treatment. Animals should not be treated inhumanely just because some people consider them inferior to humans. The mistreatment of animals is unfair and it should not be allowed. Animals deserve to be treated humanely because they feel pain just as people do. There are laws that protect people from violence, so there should be laws that protect animals from violence as well. However, animal rights have a certain extent because animals aren't humans. Animals and humans have different necessities. Humans have different needs than animals do. Because of these differences, people's rights are going to be different than animals' rights. If animals do not need something that people do need, then the animal should not have it since they don't need it. In the article Happier Cows, More Milk, the cows were receiving water beds just so they could feel more comfortable. I believe that this is unnecessary because it is not essential for the animals and is therefore a waste of money. The cows could be made comfortable by providing their basic needs, and that would be enough to make them happy and healthy. Although it is not necessary that animals receive all the material necessities that human need, animals do deserve the same treatment humans deserve. This means that they should be treated humanely and with care, which does not necessarily mean that animals need to have the material needs that humans do.

Alyssa Coursey Per.3
11/12/2013 09:58:21 am

Animals should be treated as humanely as humans. Everyone who has pets would do anything for them, and treat them as if they are part of the family. Many people who work with animal’s whether it is in the meat, dairy, or some type of animal industry they work in, they make sure their animals are in top shape. Businesses that work with humans make sure that their employees are able to work and give them sick leave or workers compensation if they are hurt, businesses don’t want their workers to be unable to their best job. I personally wouldn't want to eat or use a product that I knew that animal was sick or was mistreated and miserable it’s whole life, I would want a product that the animal was happy and well kept. Just like in the article “Happier Cows, More Milk” it was said that the more contend the cows were the more milk was produced. Even though some of the methods the dairy men used such as the water beds seem ridiculous, but dairy men will try everything to make their livestock happy and better production. This is great instead of them not caring and mistreating the animals which just makes them stressed and makes production difficult. With all the success that comes with productions that treat their animals fairly it’s a shame that some people still don’t. I honestly believe that animals should be treated humanely because they are living creatures as well, even though they can’t talk or as smart as humans are; doesn't mean animals should be less treated.

Amanda Collier P.3
11/12/2013 10:09:33 am

My response to whether or not animals should be treated like humans is; not necessarily. Do animals need to be comfortable and treated kindly, and not get abused? Yes. But like in article 1, do they need water beds? Now to me, that is completely over the top. Cows aren't meant to be on water beds. It just isn't natural. I'm sure there has to be some other method to make cows more relaxed. Animals deserve to be well cared for. They need a proper diet, and proper living space, and yes, they might just need a good brushing now and then to become more relaxed, but there is a point where too much becomes, well; too much to the extent that it becomes weird. So I guess my answer is no. Animals shouldn't be treated like humans, but should be treated properly, and have certain rules that protect them and get them what they need. I say this, because some people abuse animals, and in my opinion, the punishment is quite minor. I believe that in terms of abuse, there should be just as much of a punishment as there is towards some abusing a human. I say this because, like humans, animals have feelings too. They can feel pain. And it just saddens me that they can't speak for themselves when it comes to that. So there are a few things that animals should acquire similar to humans, but they shouldn't be completely treated as humans because we have different ways that we have to live.

Mara Lopez (Pd.3)
11/12/2013 11:09:49 am

I believe that yes animals should be treated as well as humans, but people shouldn't go overboard with it. I feel that animals need to be treated humanely, just like humans are. Yes, animals get treated differently because they are animals, but that doesn't mean that they can't be handled with helpful care such as a human gets. In the article "Happier Cows, More Milk", it talks about how cows were getting treated with such wonderful, yet unusual care to produce more milk. This may be true, especially if a happier cow does produce more milk, but I feel like the people went a little overboard. Us humans can care for our animals, or any animal, with the needed care that they need, and we can also do other things to make them happier. This would include maybe trying to make our animals more happy, just like in the article. Now I personally wouldn't go buy a waterbed for my animals, but I would maybe think about massaging them to make them happy. I would also do my best to help an injured animal feel more comfortable and happy, especially since I want to go into the veterinarian field when I graduate high school. I also do believe that people shouldn't go too overboard with trying to make their animals more comfortable and happy because going overboard could give you the opposite results. If you are willing to put in time and maybe money (referring back to buying water beds for the cows) to make your animal or any animal more comfortable and or happy then so be it. In conclusion I feel that animals do need to feel comfortable and happy, so you should try to do whatever you can to make them happy, but just don't end up making the animal feel uncomfortable.

David Helm
11/18/2013 02:19:15 am

Some people argue that animals should be treated the same as humans. I agree with their argument, but only to an extent. There are some people that treat their domestic animal just as good as their children, if not better. There is a certain limit to where caring for an animal turns into spoiling them. To me, treating an animal with respect is just common sense. The way I see it, is if you would not do it to a small child, do not do it to your animal. There is a difference though if the animal is a domestic pet or not. If it is an animal that people eat, obviously it is okay to kill it. You should not treat those certain animals bad though. Don't be like the person in Paso Robles that burned the steer's face. That is completely wrong. So people should just treat animals with respect and care, and everything should be fine.

11/21/2013 01:53:56 am

I think that the animals should be treated like humans to bacuase they do have feeling as Humans .even though they might not be able to talke they would be able to feel things . They also have have needs just like us they need to feel loved just like us . They
Need to be fead like humans and live like us they need to treat them just like us because they might get sick and need help and need to go see a doctor just like humans do . If we were animals I would not like if they treated us bad I would want to be treated like a human to have the same things as them and be filled with love and care that is way I think that people that treat animals bad should go to jail and never be able to get animals again. Like in the artical "happier cows,more milk " they give all the animals need they might need to give them a better life and they would be happy to live . They might be a happier cow and help and stay alive longer . That way I think that animals should be treated like humans so that they would be happy like humans and live long.

Cynthia Urieta
11/22/2013 03:10:06 am

I personally agree with this to an extent. Animals should be treated like humans to the point where they are comfortable, but exceeding in benefits, well lets say it would be unfair for us that animals are being treated with luxurious items that some of us can't even afford. I agree that cows, in this case, be treated the way they are being treated, because like the article said a happy cow produces more milk. As a farmer you want the production of milk to rise, I understand that, but to go to the extent of buying them back scratchers and back massagers? Is that really necessary for a cow? I do strongly agree though on calling a vet when the animal is hurt. I mean I would hate to be injured and still have to perform my daily tasks. A massage would really hit the spot, so there fore I agree with that. But to go far more beyond that, well i just don't think that a cow is really worth that much money. Even though yes, farmers need to keep their cows happy for better milk production, well that doesn't really mean to go all out in buying them luxurious items that a cow in reality does not need.

Andrea Vera
11/25/2013 02:40:15 am

I personally strongly agree animals should be treated the same as humans to a certain extent. Animals have the same rights as humans. They have many different things than us humans but they should be treated the same.I think there is an extent to animals being treated to far as with many expensive things us humans ourselves can not have and do not have. Like why spend so much money on an animal? however animals should not be put through things us humans would not like to be done to us. In the article is says "Happy cows produce more milk" , exactly for a production its a very smart and good idea to get a cattle happy. They should not just treat them right for there production to be good but because its the right thing to do. There is many things a cow can have as suppose if they get hurt well why not call the vet help animal out. If you were hurt your reaction is go to the doctor right away. An Animal not only a cow should be given the same attention. If your not going to treat your animal the right way with all its specialties and attention it needs to have then i see no reason why those animal owners have pets! There is many cruelty to animals now a days which i find to sad because those pets have no right to suffer! Not many people believe this but animals have feelings to and they sure do feel every bit of the harm!


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